Saturday, January 10, 2009


I NEVER thought I'd be blogging.

I have a lot of things that run through my mind a lot of opinions about a lot of things, most of which I usually keep to myself. So blogging never crossed my mind.

My sister-in-law inspired me to start this. She has put herself out there on her own blog in an effort to get healthier and more fit, in hopes that the blog will give her some accountability to keep up with her program.

So why am I doing this? Well, I'd like to share a lot of what I know. My friends at work used to call me "Maggie Stewart" because I'm an amateur gourmet cook and a creative, crafty person. So I want to share some things I've learned over the years and hope that someone else might find them interesting and, of course, useful.

So by way of introduction, this is my very first entry. If you find my raving boring or tedious, let me know! You won't hurt my feelings - I don't want to fail at this. I'll make adjustments.

So, IF I HAD IT MY WAY ..... I'd love to be working at home maybe even making some money . I have a pretty good full time job that I like in a physical therapy clinic. My two bosses who own the clinic are really great. Generous, kind, and have a lot of respect for my administrative talents. But a full time job can really cramp your style when you have a lot of creative juices flowing. There are a thousand things I'd like to do but time for only a couple. For example, I love to grow and dry my own herbs. I package them in lovely little packages with recipes and give them away as gifts. People who have never tried using herbs before love it because they dont' have to spend a fortune on 5 or 6 whole packages of herbs, just to find out if they like them. So, I'd like to maybe package and sell them on line. I also like to make greeting cards. I have more than 40 of my own designs, but no time to market them. I even make custom designs for some people. I've got one man who is a commercial real estate broker. I designed some very classy, very pretty, but "masculine" looking thank you and sympathy cards for him. He used them for his clients.

Those are just two examples of the millions of things I have running in my little brain. So as the days go on, and I work on this blog a little more each day, I'll see where it takes me.